No blaa bla. Keeping it short & sweet: If you are a startup and planing to pitch your business to Shark Tank you need to be fully ready. The Sharks going to ask you.... "what are your sales and how much you are selling online??" Specially Mark Cuban :) We like to help you all to answer this question confidently......
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Digital Strategy
Posted by:HattanMedia
October 15, 2014
in:Coding, Marketing, Programming, WordPress

Digital Strategy is a big deal. It separates companies who achieve their goals efficiently from companies who pour money fruitlessly into social media or SEO just because that’s what everyone else is doing. We believe that business should never be based on guesswork. Digital innovations allow us to assess the market so that we can draw up strategic initiatives that get measurable results. Statistical tools help us to analyse and refine what we do, so you see more results for less money over time. [dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”normal” animation=”none” background=”plain”]Digital Strategy – take......
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Your website plays an important role in your business – whether it’s there to generate revenue, act as a spokesperson, or help deal with inquiries.
We’re here to make sure that it performs as well as your top employee would. That means giving excellent customer service, boosting your brand image, and helping your company to grow....
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